Wednesday, 23 July 2014


Mindful of the fact that Cameroon shares boundary  with some sub Saharan countries in the western and north eastern part of the country  with a pacific transit on the south west and littoral region, makes Cameroon a cosmopolitan country since neighboring countries do rely on our marine transport or  and other communication net work.
            In this regard, we should as well be assured that Cameroon is also becoming vulnerable following the uprising in the neighboring countries. Following the unstable nature of some African countries, plenty of their citizens have resort to settle in other stable countries thus leading to population explosion, malnutrition in some countries, and to an extend increase vandalism.
            On like Cameroon were there has been a series of gun conflict and kidnapping along the borders, we still witness a lot of immigration from some unstable state like Nigeria, Congo, Gabon etc. the situation in Cameroon is still very different from that of other African countries in the sense that even with the increasing population, Cameroon has not yet record any food or health crisis or a serious economic disaster.
            Also, the conflict along the borders has not got any serious effect on the daily Activities of every Cameroonian, business men/women and visitors as the government of Cameroon is doing everything possible to maintain peace through the forces of law and order.
In this regard, it is also advisable that visitors should have reliable contacts before, during and after their visit (when leaving). Likewise, tourists should always try to get reliable information before visiting areas around the borders. That said Cameroon remains a stable and reliable country to visit and even for investors.       

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